Do we still need elected members?
The Guardian - Local Government Network
Live Discussion 12:00-14:00
Oportuna a questão também em Portugal.
'Professor Les Lumsdon (Director of the Institute of Transport and Tourism) will be on your radio tomorrow talking about the allure of Slow Travel with Michael Palin and other guests (BBC4) The live programme will be available on BBC Radio 4 at 12 noon so I hope you can tune in to listen. If not, it will be available to listen to on the website later on.'
O professor Les Lumsdon esteve há pouco tempo em Aveiro, enquanto coordenador de um estudo para a comunidade europeia, e é um investigador que tem vindo a colaborar com a UA no âmbito de iniciativas/projectos sobre 'Lazer Ciclável'.
Future Vision Awards June 2009
James West - Overall winner and Future Buildings winner
The Edible Terrace is a sustainable interpretation of the traditional Victorian terrace house. The self-sustaining living quarters are designed to reduce food miles and energy consumption and encourage urban food production and healthy eating. Adapted from an existing terrace house, the small holding includes living accommodation for up to three people and an internal planting area.
Here are details of the category winners:
Future Open Space - Matthew Conroy, Design Management and Innovation, De Montfort University. Park and Glide is an innovative new transport scheme that utilises existing waterways to reduce traffic congestion and pollution in city centres.
Future Play Time - Aisling Shannon, Architecture, Cardiff University. Rented Park Kiosks is a cost effective solution to encourage more people to visit and utilise parks up and down the country, promoting healthy living, social interaction and boosting the local economy.
Future Work Life - Joseph Frame, University of Brighton. The Objet D’art Vu is an enterprising idea that promotes economic growth, eco-friendliness and social inclusion.
Future Green Thinking - Craig Frew, the University of Dundee. Inspired by Neighbourhood Watch, the Environmental Watch Group is a scheme designed to reduce carbon emissions at a local level.
"Leading figures from the cultural sector are being urged to work more closely with teachers, so that between them they can produce a national strategy for educating young people in the arts.
A report by the Culture and Learning Consortium has called on the two sectors to join forces to help promote learning through cultural experiences, develop benchmarks, encourage diversity, lobby for clearer funding criteria and facilitate research programmes.
The document advises that the proposed Cultural Learning Alliance be a “time-limited and light-touch agency”, which would also encourage professional development and training for both teachers and artists, and help gain the support of the government and other arts organisations.
The recommendation is one of ten highlighted in the Get It - The Power of Cultural Learning report, which has been created as a result of a series of consultation and feedback sessions about the role of culture in learning within and outside schools.
Supporters of the report ... believe that cultural learning needs to be seen by local and central government as a “basic entitlement and basic skill” for everyone.
The report calls on central government to promote learning through culture as part of the curriculum, recommends that local and regional authorities incorporate it into their Public Service Agreements and that funders should develop long-term funding models that encourage sustained collaborations between the arts and education sectors.
A number of leading figures from the theatre world have spoken out in support of the document, including Judi Dench, who said: “Theatre, music, arts and dance all play a vital role in helping a child grow and understand the world around them.”
Old Vic artistic director Kevin Spacey said that culture should be “at the heart” of the school curriculum. He added: “Our creative learning projects have enormous impact on thousands of young people.
“Time and again we see the improvement of aspiration, literacy, self-esteem and often school attendance.”
The Cultural Learning Consortium is a network of trusts, foundations and funders which includes Arts Council England, the Paul Hamlyn Foundation and the Clore Duffield Foundation".
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